Fire Survival Cables

Fire Survival Cables


This makes the rescue mission a lot easy to execute. Our fire survival cables have the unique ability to extend functionality for circuit and data integrity in extreme fire situations. These cables are made from inorganic materials that do not burn, emit smoke or gas and survive harsh fire explosions. These cables are developed for life-critical situations and are in accordance to fire management systems.

  • Grade 1: Remains operation up to up to 30 minutes when subjected to 830 deg. temperature
  • Grade 2: Can last 180 minutes when subjected to 930 deg. C temperature


In the event of fire, conventional cables are found to be unsatisfactory because of their limitations to withstand the higher temperature and emissions of excessive dark smoke corrosive and toxic gases which makes the fire fighting and rescue operations extremely difficult apart from power failures. Fire survival demonstrates exceptional capabilities for prolonged functionality for circuit and data integrity in extreme fire conditions. The fire survival cable systems are made of inorganic materials which do not burn, emit smoke or gas and which survive the harshest fire conditions. These systems are designed for life-critical and fire management systems where life safety is dependent on cable/system functionality for prolonged periods. Theses cables are designed to remain functional for 30 minutes when subjected to 830°C & enhanced grade cables for 180 minutes when subjected to 930°C Fire survival cables are cables that are designed to continue to operate for a defined minimum period of time during a fire. Used in circuits that must be able to maintain their integrity during a fire. The main application for fire survival cables is in fire alarm systems, must continue to operate for a specified period in the event of a fire. In addition to fire alarm systems, these types of cable may also be used in other safety critical wiring circuits, such as those powering emergency lighting and sprinkler pumps.

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